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In order to change default setting for ESP-HOME firmware, please follow next guides.

Install ESP-HOME

Choose from 2 optional avalaible at the moment:

It's using Home Assistant add-on, install instruction are found HERE

It can be installed barematel or using docker( personally using on windows ), follow instructions from HERE


For both cases is required to download .yaml for your PCB


For example you want to change gateway hostname, friendly name in HA, your API and OTA passwords.

In this case edit just next items,at the beggining of .yaml file:


Static IP

In order to make your device have the same IP each time after reboot, you have 2 ways to achieve this:

  • setup static ip in your router config
  • modify .yaml file.

Esp-Home-Static IP

Generate and install updated firmware



Any error in ip configuration could cause the gw to not connect and require to be flashed with Serial to USB converter( applies to Wifi Gateway)


After changing IP parameters, OTA update it's not gonna work,until firmware is flashed to ESP module,using Manual Download.

If you made changes only in subtitutions section,then just press Install button in ESP-HOME interface,followed by Wirelessly.

Esp-Home-Install Wirelles1

Esp-Home-Install Wirelles2

After changing IP parameters, OTA update it's not gonna work,until firmware is flashed to ESP module manually.

  1. Press Manual Download

    Esp-Home-Manual Download

  2. Debug console confirm that firmware was built and Download button appear in righ bottom corner.

    Esp-Home-Debug Sub

  3. Open your gateway address in browser and update firmware:

    Esp-Home-OTA Update